Adaptation of popular libraries for KasperskyOS and additional examples for working with KasperskyOS CE
Data processing and formatting
Abseil-cpp 20220623.1Open-source collection of C++ library code designed to augment the C++ standard library.Go to project
protobuf 3.19.4Protocol Buffers are Google’s language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data.Go to project
NGINX 1.22.1Adaptation of NGINX web server to KasperskyOS Community Edition, a binary packaging format that does not require recompilation and speeds up the development cycle.Go to project
Node.JS v20.0.0-preJavaScript runtime environment that lets developers create servers, web apps, command line tools and scripts.Go to project
C-ares 1.17.2DNS (stub) resolver library, written in C.Go to project
NMAP 7.92SVNNMAP package for polling local network nodes, checking open ports, searching for servers and «neighbors» of IoT devices, scanning the network for SIEM/Cybersec purposes, etc.Go to project
SAMBA 4.15SAMBA client/server under KasperskyOS for network file sharing, downloading updates, sending logs, reports or other records.Go to project