
Cyberimmune components and applications developed using KasperskyOS Community Edition
Developer Tools
Сorrosion 0.2.2 Tool for integrating Rust into an existing CMake project.
Сlang 17.0.6 C, C++, Objective-C compiler.
Rust 1.59 General-purpose programming language.
Automated Testing Framework 0.20 Collection of libraries for implementing test programs in C, C++ and POSIX.
GoogleTest 1.10.0 Google’s C++ testing and mocking framework.
iperf 3.10.1 Tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks.
Libunwind 1.6.2 Portable and efficient C API for determining the current call chain of ELF program threads of execution and for resuming execution at any point in that call chain.
Data processing and formatting
Re2 2022-02-01 Regular expression library.
Libyaml 0.2.5 C library for parsing and emitting YAML.
Abseil-cpp 20211102.0 Open-source collection of C++ library code designed to augment the C++ standard library.
Boost 1.82.0 Library of C++ classes for various tasks (working with data, algorithms, files, streams, etc.).
libffi 3.2.1 Library that provides a portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions.
fmt 9.1.0 Open-source formatting library.
jsoncpp 1.9.4 JSON library.
nlohmann_json 3.9.1 JSON library.
libxml2 2.10.4 XML C parser and toolkit.
pcre 8.44 Set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching.
spdlog 1.11.0 C++ logging library.
Zlib 1.2.13 Compression library.
gsl 2.1.0 The Guidelines Support Library (GSL) contains functions and types that are suggested for use by the C++ Core Guidelines maintained by the Standard C++ Foundation.
 json_scheme_validator 2.3.0 C++ library for validating JSON documents based on a JSON Schema.
Civetweb 1.12 Easy to use, powerful, C (C/C++) embeddable web server with optional CGI, SSL and Lua support.
Ftpd 2.3.0 File Transfer Protocol server.
Eclipse Mosquitto 2.0.18 A message broker that implements the MQTT protocol.
NTP 4.2.8Р15 Library for working with time protocol NTP.
Dhcpcd 9.4.1 Library for identifying a device on a network.
Libpcap 1.10.4 Portable C/C++ library for network traffic capture.
Data protection
Arm Mbed TLS 3.6.1 Implementation of the TLS/SSL protocols and the corresponding cryptographic algorithms and the necessary support code.
OpenSSL 1.1.1t Open-source cryptography library.
Working with peripherals
usb 14.0.0 Library for identification and exchange with USB devices at a basic level.
 libevdev 1.12.1 Library for working with peripheral devices like evdev.
Lwext4 1.0.0 Library for working with file systems ext2/3/4.
Data storage
sqlite 3.41.2 C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine.